Monday, November 20, 2006

it was sad. last week, i was so sick i couldn't knit. as i started to feel better i managed to get a bit of spinning done, and have just now finished one of the batts that i picked up at this year's MDSW. it's one oz of an angora/silk/wool blend (something like 60/30/10, so it's quite fluffy and soft) and since i spun it laceweight, it took a LOOONG time.

here's the fiber... i bought it because i'm a sucker for purple. i unrolled it, and saw this:
which i wasn't really thrilled about. it was a bit more orangey than it shows here. i mean a lot really. and me + orange = ew. but i couldn't pass up that super intense purple and i figured it would be nicely contrasted by the copper, and the orangey bits wouldn't show too much.

here it's about 3/4 spun. i did the first... thirdish on my emily spindle, and then finally figured out how adjust the tension on my wheel so i could finish it up on the wheel. (so SO much faster.)

and done. all that's left is plying. and figuring out how much yarn i have and what i can really do with only one oz of laceweight yarn. i LOVE it. it is an awesome color. while i do love the really intesnse purple, it is more fitting to have something a bit more subdued. the pictures on the bobbin aren't showing up the whole range of color that's there.

which is a project for... not today. you know, life and thanksgiving and all. ;) ah well, back to catching up on housecleaning. you mean i can't sit and knit and spin all day?


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